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    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 30 days
    Commission type Percent of Sale
    Base commission 15.00%
    AudioAmp180 is seeking affiliate sales personnel to assist us in promoting and selling our products. We hope you will help us grow, and share in the success of this great new product. Earn extra income, and enjoy! You will receive 15% commission on sales that originate with your posting and close within 30 days. And AudioAmp180 is a product that is popular, easy to use, and affordable!

    AudioAmp180 specializes in audio enhancement for iPad, Nexus 7, and Kindle Fire HD tablets. If you have used one of these tablets with a speaker directed out the back, you know how difficult it can be to hear well. AudioAmp180 solves this problem! This is the best selling device of it's type, and it is the highest quality available.
    AudioAmp180 increases the audio volume, clarity and consistency of your iPad or Tablet. And the audio comes out the front of your tablet, keeping the audio and video associated more naturally. It will improve your iPad sound quality significantly, and it's affordable and makes a great gift or stocking stuffer!

    It works by reflecting the audio coming from your tablets rear or side mounted speaker, and changing it's direction by 180 degrees, concentrating the audio forward toward your ears. It works especially well while sitting, because it avoids the tablet audio being muffled by your lap, pillows, chair, legs, or floor, making the audio you hear louder, clearer and more consistent. It requires no power, yet it typically produces about 10 dB of amplitude gain across the audible spectrum, noticeably improving loudness and quality. With the video coming out the front, your attention will remain on the iPad screen content, not on the audio reflecting from various locations behind it. And it improves your viewing privacy by increasing the audio directed toward you, and reducing the stray audio directed out the back of the tablet toward others in the room.

    Honest, open, legal, fair and tasteful offers are required.